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Camp Big Heart


​Camp Big Heart is sponsored by the Georgia District Civitans.  Each year over 300 special needs campers attend one week of three sessions, ages ranging from 7 to 70! Our East Cobb Club provides scholarships for campers

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Project Mail Call


Our club continues to support this great cause that sends boxes of supplies and surprises to deployed soldiers - see


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Special Needs Cobb​


Members of our club regularly lead craft activities for the residents, enjoy meals together and supply Christmas presents for those "orphaned" residents who have no family.


Partnership Celebration


Community Partners are celebrated at this annual event which includes local stakeholders, nonprofit representatives and their board members, and Cobb
residents. Our fundraising allows selected agencies to receive grants and share more about the programming they offer.


Clergy Appreciation Lunch


Local faith leaders are invited to share updates about their ministries and enjoy a delicious catered lunch at this annual event held each February that commemorates the courage and faith that the 4 chaplains aboard the USS Dorchester displayed in 1942

Adopt a Highway


The East Cobb Civitan's have adoped the portion of Roswell road that runs from Old Canton east to Robinson Road. We gather to collect trash (as needed) and then enjoy a picnic in the East Cobb Park.  Our Junior Civitans enjoy participating with us - and we enjoy their enthusiasm!

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